Arrange a visit from our current students to your school, college or community group. Hear from current Black students about their experiences at the University of York. From student life, to studying, to moving away from home - our students cover it all!

You must be a teacher, advisor, tutor or group leader to request a visit. We are able to visit schools, sixth forms, colleges or community groups such as church groups and youth groups. Our workshops are typically aimed at attendees aged 16 and above, please get in contact with us if your target audience is younger than this.

What does a visit involve? 

Current students from a Black background deliver a talk, featuring the following topics: 

  • Introduction to being a Black student at the University of York
  • A Sneak Peak into University
  • Personal Statements
  • Funding and Courses: How to Choose
  • The Game of Life 

The above talks are all through the lens of Black students. Talks are typically 20 minutes long and are followed by a Q&A session. Teachers can also request specific, bespoke sessions.

When can I arrange a visit?

Our current students are excited to share their experiences at the University of York with students and young people in England. However,  our visits are student-led and we prioritise their university schedules. During busy periods (such as exam season) we may have limited availability. 

How can I arrange a visit? 

Please note, we are not taking any group visit bookings at this moment in time.

Contact us

If you have questions about Black Access, feel free to get in touch.

Contact us

If you have questions about Black Access, feel free to get in touch.