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Autonomous Robot Evolution's framework

This the logo of the Autonomous Robot Evolution Project

The main components that comprise the ARE framework are the following:

  • Ecosystem Manager
  • Robot Fabricator
  • Training Facility

These components are described in more detail below.

Ecosystem Manager

The Ecosystem Manager is a program to control the hybrid physical-virtual system, providing the link between the two. This integration is made possible by using the same genetic representation in both worlds, enabling cross-breeding so, a new robot in either environment could have physical or virtual parents or a combination of both.
An individual can also be copied between environments simply by transferring its genotype from one environment to the other. This integration must be controlled by the Ecosystem Manager, which optimises the working of the hybrid evolutionary system, maximising task performance. It reacts to flows of information from both subsystems, and to human-specified goals, either hand-directed or running autonomously.