Payment for Public Involvement in research
We understand and respect that payment for public involvement in research is a critically important issue for many public contributors.
We understand that not all public contributors wish to receive payment for their time and have every right to decline it.
For those who wish to receive payment, we understand that it can make you feel valued and respected, especially when payments are timely and payment processes are clear and easy to navigate.
Involvement@York recommends that all researchers at the University of York follow the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) good practice guidance on payment for public involvement in research.
This means that where possible you should be offered payment for any involvement activity you undertake. You should also be paid back for any expenses you incur as part of your involvement. This typically covers things like travel expenses, and some cases may include care cover costs. You should always check what will and will not be covered before spending any money.
The rates of payment offered to you will vary by project; but every project should make you aware of the nature of the involvement, the duration and frequency of the involvement, the amount that particular project is offering you and what expenses they will cover for you.
The University’s Payment Policy for Research Involvement and Research Participation sets out how public contributors to research should be paid and the payment processes University staff should follow to ensure they are paid quickly.
In summary, you should expect:
- To complete a short claim form to receive payment.
- To receive help to complete this claim form if you need it.
- To be paid by BACs transfer straight to your bank account.
- To be paid within two weeks of submitting your claim form.
It is very important that you understand that receiving payment for public involvement may have tax and benefit receipt implications.
It will be your responsibility to manage the tax or benefit implications arising from any payments for public involvement in research.
The University of York will not be able to provide any financial advice to public contributors in relation to either.
More detailed information is set out in the University’s Payments Policy for Research Involvement and Research Participation.
We will share a copy with you when you join the Register.