Individuals admitted to a PGR programme by practice should have the capacity to succeed and the department should have the capacity to support their needs.

References to the PhD in Creative Writing are for illustration only and do not relate to the PhD in English with Creative Writing offered at York. 

This means that: 

  • PGR programmes by practice should be clearly advertised so that prospective PGRs understand what will be expected of them and can ascertain if they have an appropriate background
  • prospective PGRs should be required to include details of their proposed practice element within their research proposal and highlight any associated resource requirements 
  • the admissions process should include an assessment of the prospective PGRs’ level of expertise within the area of practice (for example, for entry to a PhD in Creative Writing, a prospective PGR would submit a sample of creative writing) to ensure they have the expertise needed to carry out the project, or the capacity to gain the necessary expertise within the programme 
  • the admissions process should include an assessment as to whether the department has the necessary resources - in terms of supervisory experience and any practical resources - to support the prospective PGR. 

Contact us

PGR Administration
+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square

More on programmes by practice

Contact us

PGR Administration
+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square