PGRs have the right to protect the intellectual property of practice-based work produced as part of a PGR programme by practice.

References to the PhD in Creative Writing are for illustration only and do not relate to the PhD in English with Creative Writing offered at York. 

All PGRs own the copyright of their thesis (and/or alternative assessment format) unless otherwise agreed with an external organisation but PGRs are required to deposit their thesis (and/or alternative assessment format) in an online open-access repository, eg White Rose e-Theses Online (WREO). 

Where a PGR plans to find a commercial agent/publisher for practice-based work that they have produced as part of a PGR programme by practice (eg a screenplay, poetry anthology, translated work, building design) they may (provided this does not run counter to a PGR’s funder terms and conditions or signed studentship agreement) make use of the University's embargo policy to protect that element of their work from unsanctioned commercial exploitation. The University (assuming this does not run counter to a PGR’s funder terms and conditions or signed studentship agreement) will look sympathetically upon requests for longer embargo periods (up to five years) to acknowledge that it may take time to find a suitable agent/publisher. The non-practice element of the thesis (or alternative assessment format) should not normally be subject to embargo.

Contact us

PGR Administration
+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square

More on programmes by practice

Contact us

PGR Administration
+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square