A PGR programme by practice is one where the PGR generates knowledge as a practitioner within their field (where the practice is itself not normally considered research).

PGR programmes by practice are sometimes divided into those that are considered practice-based (where knowledge is gained through doing the practice, normally resulting in a creative artefact) and those that are considered practice-led (where knowledge is gained about practice). This policy does not attempt to distinguish between practice-based and practice-led programmes, but rather aims to take an inclusive approach.


PGR programmes by practice are of value as they may encourage innovation within research and may allow a greater diversity of individuals to engage with research (by encouraging and enabling those working as practitioners to undertake research).

The motivation for undertaking a PGR programme by practice will vary. Experienced practitioners may want the opportunity to reflect critically on their practice and that of others for their personal development and/or to gain recognition within their practice area, or to move from practice to academia. Less experienced practitioners may want to use the opportunity to establish themselves more fully within their area of practice, for personal and/or professional enhancement.   

PGR programmes by practice within the disciplines

PGR programmes by practice (typically involving the production of creative artefacts) are common in artistic disciplines, for example fine art, music, theatre, film, TV, interactive media, architecture and creative writing. PGR programmes by practice may also be undertaken in a much wider range of disciplinary areas, for example translation, history, nursing, engineering and education.

Contact us

PGR Administration

+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square

More on programmes by practice

Contact us

PGR Administration

+44 (0)1904 325962
Student Hub, Information Centre Basement, Market Square