A journal-style thesis incorporates one or more chapters in a format suitable for publication (but not necessarily published) in a peer-reviewed title, with a supporting commentary. 

Examples of suitable formats include journal papers, book chapters, or any discipline-specific alternatives.

A journal-style thesis must be a coherent body of interrelated work (not a series of disconnected papers or other works) and present research of an equivalent originality, quality and volume as a monograph thesis.

Can I submit a journal-style thesis?

If your school, department or centre permits journal-style theses this will be noted within your departmental PGR handbook. The handbook should also include any additional department-specific requirements or guidance, eg with respect to publication status, the number of papers, choice of journals, and co-authorship. Unless specified by your school, department or centre there is no requirement for papers in a journal-style thesis to be published (or in progress towards publication). 

You should make the decision about whether to submit a journal-style thesis in consultation with your supervisor(s) and Thesis Advisory Panel (TAP). You can change your mind about the nature of your thesis up to the point of submission.   

Items to consider

If you are considering a journal-style thesis you should:

  • Check that this option is permitted within your department.
  • Read the University requirements for journal-style theses (this webpage).
  • Note any department-specific requirements (you must adhere to these) or guidance (recommended practice you are encouraged to follow).
  • Check that your funder/sponsor permits the submission of a journal-style thesis.
    • You should also check if your funder/sponsor has an open access policy, which may influence which journals you are able to submit to.
  • Discuss your plans at the earliest opportunity (ideally before the first review of progress if a PhD or MPhil PGR) with your supervisor(s) and Thesis Advisory Panel (TAP).
  • Look at examples of journal-style and monograph theses produced within your department (if available).
  • Read the University's guidance on how to correctly format a journal-style thesis.
  • Explore any training needs (normally as part of your Training Needs Analysis).
  • Consider drafting an outline publication strategy to inform your thinking.
  • Ensure that any discussion about the nature of your thesis is recorded on SkillsForge.
  • Note that you are submitting a journal-style thesis on your intention to submit form.

Additional guidance for journal-style theses