Formal progression

All postgraduate researchers are subject to Formal Reviews of Progress. 

These take place annually for full-time students, and biennially for part-time students.

Formal Reviews of Progress are designed to be a supportive process to maximise your chances of successful on-time completion.

Formal Review of Progress: how it works

You, your supervisor(s) and your Progression Panel document your progress review in SkillsForge.

You and your supervisor are required to complete a Progression Preparation Form in advance of the review, and then the Progression Panel will complete a formal record of the review itself, indicating the outcome of the assessment of your progress against the University's progression criteria.

SkillsForge: Progression Preparation Form (PDF , 136kb)

Please refer to your departmental handbook for specific details about timings, deadlines, and what work you may need to provide in advance of your progress review.

You may complete a Covid-19 PGR Progression Statement to allow your progression panel to understand how your research was affected by Covid restrictions: 
Covid-19 PGR Progression Statement (MS Word , 43kb)