If unexpected circumstances are affecting your ability to work, you may be permitted to extend your progression or confirmation of enrolment deadline, or your submission deadline. 

There is no guarantee that you will be able to extend your programme, especially if the unexpected circumstances could have been remedied with a Leave of Absence at an earlier stage. Full details of permissible circumstances for extensions can be found in the Policy on Research Degrees

Type of extensionExtension periodApplication window
Extensions to progression or confirmation of enrolment Maximum two months (four months in exceptional circumstances) Apply within two months of your existing deadline
Extensions to submission Maximum six months (up to one year in exceptional circumstances) Apply within three months of your submission deadline*

*Your submission deadline is your original submission deadline or your deadline for re-submitting your thesis where you receive a revise and resubmit outcome at the first attempt, or your corrections deadline. 

Multiple extensions exceeding a total period of two years will not normally be granted.

Applying for an extension

Applications for extensions should be made before your current progression, confirmation of enrolment or submission deadline.

If you need to apply for an extension to a progression, confirmation of enrolment or submission deadline, you should speak to your supervisor. If you decide an extension is appropriate, you should agree a proposed extension date. This date should be justified by the circumstances and approved by your departmental Graduate Chair.

You should then complete a PGR Special Cases 'Change of Plan' request form:

PGR Special Cases 'Change of Plan' request form

The forms ask you to provide:

  • a detailed account of the present state of the thesis or dissertation (submission only)
  • detailed reasons for completion being delayed
  • a detailed timetable for the completion of outstanding work agreed with the supervisor (submission only)
  • the proposed extended progression, confirmation or submission date agreed with the supervisor
  • supporting evidence (see below); your request will not be considered without this.

You may need the agreement of your funding body before an extension request can be approved.

What next?

Your request will be reviewed by PGR Special Cases. They may:

  • Grant an extension outright;
  • Grant an extension shorter than requested;
  • Grant an extension with no possibility of further extension;
  • Grant an extension subject to special conditions;
  • Reject an extension outright.

PGR Special Cases will then inform you of their decision via email. This will confirm your new progression, confirmation of enrolment or submission date. This will also define any conditions attached to the extension, and detail any fees payable.

Computing and library access

For extensions to submission, you will have access to computing and library facilities for the period of the extension. Your access will end after your thesis has been submitted for examination.


Depending on your circumstances, you may have to pay a continuation fee following an extension to submission. You will be advised of this when your extension is confirmed.