Support for partners

EDI Research Fund (external)

The EDI Research Centre supports and encourages research partnerships with external organisations that work with marginalised communities within the wider city of York. Organisations are invited to submit an application for a grant that focuses on researching an aspect of their work that they would like to understand further. Ideally, proposed projects should relate to one of the four core research areas of the Centre. The funding will be used to provide a salaried research intern to perform the proposed research project. Projects should include some connection to the University, such as collaborations with a staff or a student.

The 2024-25 Fund will be administered by the EDI Advisory Board and Steering Committee. For this external fund, if requested, each successful project can be allocated a Co-Principal Investigator (selected from the Steering Committee or the Advisory Board) to support the project as it progresses; however, this is not a necessary requirement. Projects will be required to focus on an area of work within the specific organisation that is related to one of the four core research areas.

At the University of York, we are committed to being a university for public good. In order to achieve this strategic goal by 2030, the University will adhere to four core principles (collaboration, internationalism, environmental sustainability and inclusion) and be guided by its EDI Strategic Objectives. A core part of this focus will include transforming our research environment. This is reflected in the University’s 2023-2030 Research Strategy

To support the University in its commitment to EDI, the EDI Research Fund seeks to enhance EDI research capacity by supporting projects that tackle relevant issues within the wider York community. The Fund also aims to further develop sustainable research partnerships with the wider city of York, by supporting various external organisations in engaging in research projects that positively impact the services they provide. Proposed projects should consider areas core to the work of their organisation and be related to any one of the four core research areas. They should also consider how a student intern can feasibly complete the proposed piece of research.

Any organisation within the city of York that works with a marginalised community.

Applicants can submit proposals for grants between £500 and £3,000.

We welcome applications across one or more of the four core research areas of the Centre:

  • dismantling systemic inequities through and within research
  • inclusive research methods and methodologies
  • pedagogical research and the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • decolonising research

Organisations are free to consider topics outside of these, but they must be explicitly related to the service provided by the organisation to a marginalised community and focus on developing a means of improving this service. 

Proposals need to detail a project that can be completed by a research intern and emphasise the longevity of the impact of the proposed project on the organisation’s core aims. The research intern will be co-supervised by a staff member of the organisation alongside a staff member from the University.

Proposals will be expected to meet the following criteria:

  • explicitly align to one or more of the EDI Research Centre’s core research areas and/or focus on exploring the services provided by the organisation
  • clearly highlight the need for the proposed project
  • involve collaboration with staff and students throughout the research process
  • have a clear output with a sustained impact that can exert long-term change on the organisation or the community that it serves.
  • The project budget must be used by 31 May 2025.
  • If ethical approval is needed, then this should be processed by the relevant ethics committee. Support will be provided on request.
  • The Centre would like to be informed of the outputs and impact of the project or initiative. Successful applicants will also be asked to provide a final research report including outputs, impact of the project/initiative, as well as reflections on the experience of working jointly with researchers and students at the University of York. This will be requested within three months of the end of the funding period.
  • Applicants will be invited to present their work and reflections at an EDI Research conference in July 2025. 

Funds can be spent on:

  • employing a student partner (using a rate of £12 p/h)
  • production of research materials (eg graphics)
  • transcription, data processing costs etc
  • food and drink that directly impact the effectiveness of the project (eg increasing participant numbers).

Funds cannot be spent on:

  • purchasing new equipment that would normally be funded by the organisation
  • food and drink for regular meetings
  • payment for work that otherwise falls within the remit of the organisation.

The judging panel will comprise representatives from the EDI Research Centre Advisory Board. Decisions will be made based on the Fund criteria and the degree of innovation present in the proposed project. The panel will also consider the feasibility of what is proposed in terms of the sustainability of identified outcomes and impact; as well as the extent to which proposals have focused on impacting the services offered by the organisation.

Key dates

  • The Research Fund opens on 1 October.
  • The application closes at midday on 31 October.
  • We will notify applicants of the Panel’s decision on 25 November.

Please note that it may take some time for funds to be made available to you. You also will be supported in recruiting students partners, so liaise with the Research Centre to ensure that your proposal includes this timeline in its proposed start date.

The panel may allow for resubmissions (following requested adjustments) or place conditions on successful applicants.

Project lead for the EDI Research Centre - Karisha Kimone George (

Complete the online application form

If you would like to discuss a project idea or get support to develop your proposal, please email

EDI Collaboration Network

An EDI Collaboration Network which brings together external organisations in the wider York community and members within the University of York. The Network enables collaboration between external organisations and University members with the broader aim to, for instance, develop projects and implement strategies that are of interest to the communities these organisations serve. This, and other collaboration opportunities, will be core to how this Network progresses. 

Join the Network