Our EDI Research Framework supports the advancement of EDI research practices at the University.


Core to the University of York setting itself apart as a University for public good, is its commitment to EDI within its teaching, research, community and partnerships. This Framework supports the advancement of EDI research practices at the University by:

  • fostering research cultures driven by and founded upon EDI principles
  • encouraging innovative, intersectional, and collaborative EDI research projects


The Framework outlines how researchers can embed EDI throughout the research development process. It provides a range of case studies to provide advice that can be implemented by others to strengthen the impact of their work.

The Framework also identifies core challenges that are still in the process of being overcome at the University of York and the steps that are being taken to tackle these issues and acknowledging areas where further innovation is needed. The aim of this area of the Framework is to generate additional EDI-focused research activity to overcome current challenges. 

Core research areas

The EDI Research Framework is divided into four core intersectional research areas that align with the EDI Research Centre’s priorities:

1. Dismantling systemic inequities through and within research 

Encouraging and supporting research which tackles systemic inequities and celebrates accomplishments made in relation to unequal access to services, inequities in lived experiences of marginalised communities and social groups, and policies and regulations which negatively impact certain groups.

2. Inclusive research methods and methodologies

Encouraging and supporting inclusive research practice in relation to the research team, the theoretical frameworks embedded in research fields and the research methods used.

3. Decolonising research

Recognising that research is not neutral and therefore encouraging and supporting the development of a disruptive research culture characterised by a radical shift away from the existing research power hierarchies. It aims to encourage and support research founded on a critical examination of topics such as power dynamics that shape research, Global North research processes and approaches and research ethics.

4. Pedagogical research and scholarship of teaching and learning

Encouraging and supporting research into effective inclusive education that engages all student groups, authentic assessments which enable all student groups to demonstrate the extent of their learning, improving students’ sense of belonging, diversity of student applications and minimising attainment gaps at the undergraduate and postgraduate level and equitable opportunities to develop employability skills and access to career-related activities with the aim of plugging the leaky pipeline.

Download the full EDI Research Framework