
Science and Technology Studies Unit

Pharmacogenetics Research at SATSU

Publications and Reports

  • Martin P, Lewis G, Smart A, and Webster A (2006) False Positive? The commercial and clinical development of pharmacogenetics (November). Published by SATSU, University of York and IGBiS, University of Nottingham, ISBN No. 978-0-9553542-1-2.

  • UK Pharmacogenetics Study Group, Policy Issues in Pharmacogenetics: a Policy Briefing from the UK Pharmacogenetics Study Group July 2006.

  • Hopkins MM, Ibarreta D, Gaisser S, Enzing CM, Ryan J, Martin PA, Lewis G, Detmar S, van den Akker-van Marle ME, Hedgecoe AM, Nightingale P, Dreiling M, Hartig KJ, Vullings W & Forde T., Putting pharmacogenetics into practice Nature Biotechnology 2006, 24(4) 403-410.

  • Hopkins MM, Lewis GS, Gaisser S, Ryan J, Enzing C, Hartig,J, Vullings W, and Forde T., Regulatory and Quality Assurance Frameworks for PGx: A Comparative Study of the US, EU, and Four EU Member States. Part 3 of the ESTO Study On Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics: State of the Art and Social and Economic Impacts (April 2006). European Commission/Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Sevilla, Spain.

  • Webster A, Martin P, Lewis, G and Smart, A, Integrating pharmacogenetics into society: in search of a model Nature Reviews Genetics, 2004, 5(9) 663-669.

  • Pirmohamed, M and Lewis G (2004) The Implications of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics for Drug Development and Health Care In Regulating Pharmaceuticals in Europe: Striving For Efficiency, Equity and Quality, edited by Elias Mossialos, Monique Mrazek and Tom Walley, Open University Press.

  • Why Aren't MDs Employing PGx Yet? New Study Aims at Finding Answers SNPTech Reporter, 27 Nov. 2003 ~ on ESRC Science in Society programme project, 'Pharmacogenomics, diagnostic tests, and clinician acceptance' (2004-2006).

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    (C) SATSU, University of York 2004 - 2007 | Last updated 23 January 2007