We held an advisory panel meeting, whereby members of the advisory panel and research team met for the first time at the King's Manor, York. After a light lunch, we got down to business with a presentation by Nik Brown to introduce the project (powerpoint). After a brief discussion, Laura Machin presented how the project would be implemented (powerpoint). During the coffee, a final group discussion took place on how the project would move forward.
After gaining ethics approval from the University of York's ethics board, Laura and Nik attended York hospital ethics committee review in early July. A favourable outcome was given, with minor amendments. Once a researchers' passport has been awarded, applications will be made to NHS Trusts to gain 'NHS permission' in order to interview obstetricians, midwives, neonatologists within NHS hospitals.
Nik and Laura attended the HTA meeting on the future of cord blood in London to hear presentations from Colin Pavelin, Roger Danity and Donna Dickenson to name a few.
Nik recently presented work from the project on the global trade of cord blood to the Vice Chancellor of the University of York and at the Cesagen conference.
We held a project meeting, where all 6 members of the team had the opportunity to meet each other and discuss the development of the project for the day. Our new Research Fellow, Danae McLeod, who joined early August this year, also had the chance to present her plans for the focus groups work package.
Laura attended the ANT/BSBMT two-day conference on cord blood transplants in London and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cord Blood and Adult Stem Cells, organised by David Burrowes, where she heard Rachael Hough, John Goldman and Sandy Mather present.
Laura, along with some of her colleagues from SATSU, also had the opportunity to visit the IN3 department at the University of Catalonia in Barcelona, to present initial findings from the project.