Cord blood banking has generated much political discussion in recent years, with an announcement of a Private Members Bill in 2008 and An All Party Parliamentary Group on Cord Blood and Adult Stem Cells established last year. In the past couple of years, working groups have been formed with the intention of developing a long term strategy for the future of cord blood in the UK. Cord blood collection looks set to increase, with the opening of a 5 th donating site at an NHS hospital. Finally, £10 million pounds have been allocated in order to increase the public cord blood bank to 20,000 units by 2013.
The collection and storage of biological resources and data has also commanded considerable sociological attention with respect to potentially new forms of regulatory, ethical and political economy.
Consequently, we wish to explore the changing patterns in the organisation, donation and deposition of blood stem cells.
Since Jan 2009, we have been conducting interviews and focus groups with the following stakeholders:
Please do not hesitate to contact us to receive further information on the project.
Project Start Date: 04/01/2009 End Date: 03/01/2011