Accessibility statement

Thomas Hunter
PhD Student



 I completed an M.A in Psychology at the University of Glasgow in 2016, followed by a postgraduate internship at the CUBRIC centre (Cardiff University Brain Research and Imaging Centre) in early 2017, followed by an M.A. in Social Research at the University of York in 2018.



The influence of Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) therapy on memory consolidation and sleep architecture in adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS).


My main research interests are the neuroscience and psychology of sleep and memory. I am a member of the SLAM lab (Sleep Language and Memory) at the University of York.  I am working on a grant funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and in collaboration with the NHS investigating the influence of Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) on memory consolidation and sleep architecture in adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS). The project is being supervised by Dr Lisa Henderson (Senior Lecturer, University of York), Professor Gareth Gaskell (University of York), and Dr John White (Head of the Sleep and Respiratory service at York Hospital). The project involves carrying out behavioural testing and polysomnography (PSG) in both clinical and non-clinical samples.

Research group(s)

  • SLAM Lab (Sleep Language and Memory)


  • Distinguished First Prize: Top Ten in graduating class for Psychology at the University of Glasgow (2016).


  • Dr Lisa Henderson (Senior Lecturer, University of York)
  • Professor Gareth Gaskell (University of York)
  • Dr John White (Head of the Sleep and Respiratory service at York Teaching Hospital)



  •  GTA – tutorials and marking

Contact details

Thomas Hunter
PhD student
Department of Psychology
University of York
Room PS/E/208