With experience as a remedial education teacher specialising in special education within mainstream Malaysian primary schools, I have pursued studies in education, linguistics, and currently, psychology. My commitment lies in exploring the relationships between children’s language, literacy, and executive function skills, particularly in non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic) contexts. Driven by a strong passion for understanding neurodevelopmental disorders, especially in children with language and literacy weaknesses, my research journey aims to contribute to increased attention and support for these children through academic research and practical interventions.
The role of executive function in the development of language and literacy skills: A Malaysian study of children with language weaknesses.
Research consistently shows that children with strong executive function skills tend to have better literacy abilities; conversely, weaknesses in executive function are often associated with poor outcomes. In addition, spoken language skills are strongly associated with both literacy development as well as executive function. My project focuses on exploring the connection between executive function and literacy skills, especially in children with language difficulties, in different cultural and linguistic settings.