Accessibility statement

Sophie Meekings
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow


  • British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Newcastle University (2017-2021)
  • PhD Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London (2017)
  • MSc Language Sciences, University College London (2013)
  • BA (Hons) Linguistics, Newcastle University (2011)


I'm a postdoctoral researcher trying to figure out how human voices work.

The big questions I'm interested in are:

  • How do we control our voices?
  • How much control do we have over our voices?
  • How are our voices influenced by social context?
  • How does your voice relate to your sense of identity?
  • How is this different in typical speakers and people who have a neurological condition that affects their speech, like stammering, stroke, or Tourettes' Syndrome?

My research attempts to address these questions by looking at the acoustics of how people change their voices in different situations, and how this is related to brain activation, as well as more subjective things like feelings of agency and affiliation.

Contact details

Sophie Meekings
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow
Department of Psychology
University of York