Accessibility statement

Katie Slocombe


  • University of Nottingham
    BSc (1st class honours)
  • University of St Andrews

Graduated from University of Nottingham before completing a PhD at the University of St Andrews. Stayed to do two years post-doctoral work with the Evolutionary Psychology group in St Andrews before joining York. Research interests centre around communication and social cognition, studying the development of these traits in different cultural settings and the evolution of these traits through cross-species comparisons. Comparative behavioural research is conducted with wild and captive populations of chimpanzees. Current core research topics include cross-species and cross-cultural variation in the development of communication and social cognition, multimodal communication in chimpanzees, vocal communication in dogs and dog-human interactions

Departmental roles

Careers and Employability Coordinator

Outreach Coordinator

Academic Promotions Committee

University roles

Member of University Academic Promotions Committee

Contact details

Katie Slocombe
Department of Psychology
Room PS/B201

Tel: 01904 322905