Accessibility statement

Beth Jefferies


Beth Jefferies completed an MA in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford and a PhD in Neuropsychology at the University of Bristol. She then moved to the University of Manchester in 2003, where she worked as an RCUK Research Fellow investigating disorders of semantic cognition and language following stroke and dementia. During these years, she started to use complementary neuroscientific methods (transcranial magnetic stimulation; functional neuroimaging) to investigate hypotheses about the neural basis of semantic cognition and language that emerged from the ongoing patient studies. In 2007, she moved to the Department of Psychology at the University of York.

Beth's current work examines the large-scale neural organisation of memory-guided and controlled cognition, focussing on the flexible patterns of connectivity that sustain these states using multiple methods, including task-based fMRI, intrinsic connectivity and the evolution of cortical processing over time (using magnetoencephalography). She is applying these methods to understand how we retrieve different meanings for words and objects depending on our current goals, or the context in which we encounter them, and how this changes in stroke aphasia. She is also comparing the neural basis of externally-oriented semantic tasks with internal meaningful states like mind-wandering. 


  • MA in Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
  • PhD University of Bristol
  • RCUK Research Fellowship, University of Manchester

Contact details

Beth Jefferies
Department of Psychology
Room PS/E007

Tel: 01904 324368