Accessibility statement

Alex Wade


University of Cambridge: BA in Natural Sciences

University College London: PhD in Neuroscience


Graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1994 with a BA in Natural Sciences. After completing a PhD in Neuroscience at University College London he moved to Stanford University to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship in human brain imaging specializing in the neural computations underlying our perception of colour. Continued this research as a Principle Investigator at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco until moving to York in 2011. Current research interests include visual attention, the representation of colour and contrast in the human brain and the way in which these processes are affected by neurological diseases.


Stanford University: Postdoc

Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute: Senior Scientist

Contact details

Alex Wade
Department of Psychology
Room PS/B103

Tel: 01904 323171, Mobile 07427 432364