This page contains all publicly accessible forms and documents for use at YNiC.
Participant forms
General consent form
Every participant must have completed one of these. This should be submitted to the YNiC reception at least one working day before the planned scan session.
Session consent forms
Related links
YNiC users can find internal forms in the documents section of the user resources.
Key information
It should generally not be necessary to download these forms for individual participants; if participant details are given to YNiC in advance (via the booking system), personalised forms will be prepared in advance of the scan. However, you must ask your participant all of the questions on the form as part of your screening process, in order to identify any contraindications. If you need a Level 3 authorisation signature for a participant (for any contraindications, see below), you can ask reception to print a subject-specific session form for your project, ahead of the scan date, to be authorised.
If your participant answered 'Yes' to any of the questions on the safety form (with the exception of tattoos), you should contact support
User registration forms
This form is to be filled out and signed by all users and investigators in order to receive a login account for the YNiC IT systems. This form will typically be given to you to complete during your user induction.
In order to use any of the YNiC facilities (including open plan), you MUST attend a YNiC User Induction. Please contact support
To receive a login account for the YNiC IT systems you must have completed the YNiC user induction, and be on the University of York's (UoY) people database, i.e. have a UoY username. If you are staff or a student you will be issued with this username when you start at the University. If you are collaborating with UoY faculty then they must request that you are added to this system - this prompts the creation of a UoY username and standard University online training (e.g. GDPR).
Before being given an account, all users must also sign the YNiC Appropriate Data Usage Declaration - this agreement states that the user will only use data in a manner that abides by the rules of the YNiC Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), or the user will obtain an independent DPIA and submit that to the YNiC Ethics Committee for approval.
Project forms
For information on how to apply to use the centre, and how/when to use these forms, please see: Applying to use the centre.
Ethical and governance
- Project Proposal Form (DOC) - Project Proposal Form to be completed by all applicants
- REC Application (DOCX) - Application form for the YNiC REC
- REC Guidance (DOCX) - Guidance for completing the YNiC Research Ethics and Governance Form
- Participant Information Sheet (download template) - A sample (template) of the information sheet provided to participants
- Sample Study Specific Consent Form (download template) - A sample (template) of the form that participants need to complete to consent to your specific study
- External Ethics Form (PDF) (DOC) - Form for use by those who have external Ethical Approval
- YNiC Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) - The current data protection agreement by which all studies at YNiC must abide unless they have completed an independent DPIA
- Research Privacy Notice (download template) - A sample (template) of the statement provided to participants that explains what will be done with their data
- Open Data Sharing Guidance - If you are considering sharing the data you collect on an “open” platform, you should read this document
Approved screening questions
This is a list of all approved screening questions (PDF , 189kb) approved for us under DPIA183. If you intend to use any other questions when screening participants, you must contact the Ethics Committee and may require an independent DPIA.
Running a Project
Project Checklist - Checklist of requirements for beginning data acquisition at YNiC. Once all of the items on this Checklist can be ticked, you are ready to start scanning your participants (subject to any restrictions in scan booking). If you need assistance with any aspect of this Checklist, please contact support . -
Draft Participant Email This is a draft email containing necessary instructions to prepare participants for a scan. Copy and paste the content between the dashed lines to your email browser, and then replace information within square brackets with your own content. This is not an information sheet for a specific study.
Introduction for Undergraduate Supervisors - Introductory document for supervisors
MEG Experimental Setup - Form containing details of how the MEG system should be setup for a particular experiment
MEG Participant Leaflet - Information leaflet for participants taking part in MEG experiments
MRI Experimental Setup - Form containing details of how the MRI system should be setup for a particular experiment
MRI Participant Leaflet - Information leaflet for participants taking part in MRI experiments
CD Proxy form - Form for participants who would like a CD of their Structural MRI scan to be collected by proxy
Scan Reimbursement Form - Scan Reimbursement Form for lost scan time or data at YNiC due to technical problems
More information
Related links
YNiC users can find internal forms in the documents section of the user resources.