Many students choose to take on a part-time job whilst studying. The Work while you study page includes lots of resources for finding jobs in York and elsewhere.
The Department also offers paid work to students in vacations. These posts are generally four to six weeks and are advertised on noticeboards and via email.
York Internships, based at Careers and Placements, offers high quality, paid, project-based internships with organisations in the local area. The majority of internships take place during the Summer vacation and last from four to 12 weeks. Occasionally there are some part-time internships during the academic year. Projects cover a variety of different areas of work and have included environmental, market research, IT, business, PR and research. Vacancies are advertised in Handshake; you can find out more on the York Internships page.
Many organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors offer internships for 2nd Year students, typically in areas such as finance, IT, law, communications, business and management. Some of these have very early deadlines (November to December), particularly in the finance sector. Find out more on the Careers and Placements job sector pages, and search for internships in Handshake or RatemyPlacement.
Some organisations, typically in banking and finance, offer shorter Insight events aimed at 1st Years. These are designed to provide an introduction to the organisation, sector, job opportunities and to offer information and advice about recruitment. They are also advertised in Handshake (select Employer insight event in Opportunity type).
For work experience in some career areas (eg psychology, media, environment) you may find that it is harder to find advertised opportunities. This doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, it means that you will need to research and contact relevant organisations yourself in order to request experience. Use opportunities to network with professionals and organisations at the annual Careers Day in your department, or at Careers networking events and recruitment fairs. Some alumni have offered to be contacts for current students.
If you are looking for work experience relating to Psychology professions, check the Career options within Psychology section.