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Equality and diversity in the Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology has a deep and long-standing commitment to advancing Equality and Diversity.

The more we can draw on everyone's talents, the more successful our department and our discipline will be. 

Our key aims are to remove barriers to participation across our programmes by students in under-represented groups, to achieve greater diversity among our staff, and to provide an inclusive, friendly and supportive environment that allows all our staff and students to thrive and fulfil their potential. 

We currently hold an Athena SWAN Gold Award in recognition of our work towards gender equality in Psychology. We also support the White Rose Inclusiveness in Psychology (WRIP) group, which brings together local University Psychology Departments to share best practice in Equality and Diversity.

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. We encourage all students and staff encountering such behaviour to report it using the report and support tool. The University’s Dignity at Work and Study policy provides further information.

The University of York is a University of Sanctuary. As a university, we seek to be a safe place for refugees, asylum seekers and other people who have been forced to migrate. Dr. Karla K. Evans is a sanctuary expert who can provide support and advice regarding any issues which may affect individuals seeking sanctuary at the University.  

Equality and Diversity initiatives in the department are overseen by the Inclusiveness and Development Committee and include a set of broad-reaching beacon activities. We encourage students and staff to contribute their ideas. Please contact the co-chairs of this committee with any comments or suggestions about Equality and Diversity in Psychology ( and