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Intergenerational justice: obligations, promises, failures

Thursday 19 September 2013, 9.00AM to Friday 20 Sept

The School of PEP joined forces with the Intergenerational Foundation to present a two-day conference on intergenerational justice. 

The main goal of the conference was to discuss different conceptions of intergenerational justice and their concrete implications for policy-oriented issues. We wanted to foster a discussion on the meaning and demands of intergenerational fairness, and to spur a debate between competing conceptions of intergenerational justice.

In addition, the papers and discussion considered implications for issues that have a strong intergenerational dimension such as pensions, housing, democratic participation/representation, jobs, internships, and education. The emphasis was on issues of justice between age groups and overlapping generations rather than on distant future generations.


  • Norman Daniels (Department of Global Health and Population – Harvard)
  • Axel Gosseries (Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale – UCLouvain)
  • Anca Gheaus (Department of Philosophy – Sheffield)
  • Bobby Duffy (Managing Director, Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute)
  • Shiv Malik (Journalist and co-author of Jilted Generation)
  • Ed Howker (Journalist and co-author of Jilted Generation)
  • Clare Coatman (Co-editor of Regeneration, Campaigner at Friends of the Earth)
  • Angus Hanton (Co-founder of the Intergenerational Foundation)

Location: University of York


Juliana Bidadanure
PEP PhD student

Antony Mason
Intergenerational Foundation