Accessibility statement

Tallulah Lines


Title of research:

Art and Security in Feminicidal Cultures: how women artists and activists prefigure feminist security in Oaxaca and Quintana Roo, Mexico

Brief overview of research topic:

This project investigates how women artists and activists in Oaxaca and Quintana Roo, Mexico, engage in prefigurative political practices that enhance their security in feminicidal cultures (Pineda, 2019). Feminicidal cultures represent multiple, intersecting threats to (women’s) everyday security. Women’s collective action against feminicidal culture in Mexico is increasing, and socially engaged critical art is becoming an ever more important part of this response. Drawing on eight months of ethnographic fieldwork, I argue that women strengthen their own security through arts-based prefigurative political practices, and in doing so, they make important interventions at both a discursive and a practical level that impact positively on their individual and collective security in the immediate and longer term.


  • MRes Women’s Studies (pass with minor corrections), University of York; 2017 - 2018
  • History MA (2:1 hons), University of Edinburgh; 2005 –2009

Publications / Conference Presentations

  • Riggirozzi, P., Curcio, B., Lines, T., and Cintra, N. (2023). Moving Forward / Salir Adelante: Health, care, and violence seen through the eyes of displaced Venezuelan women in Brazil / La salud, el cuidado, y la violencia vistos a través de los ojos de venezolanas desplazadas en Brasil. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing and Latin America Bureau.
  • Lines, T. (2022). “Luchar por estas mujeres en realidad es también luchar por mi”: lo político en el acto de pintar murales de víctimas de feminicidio” in Belausteguigoitia, M. (ed.) Género: Rabia, Ritmo, Ruido, Risa y Respons-habilidad. Mexico City: CIEG-UNAM. Pp. 91-104.
  • Grugel, J., Barlow, M., Lines, T.,  Giraudo, M.E., Omukuti, J. (2022). The Gendered Face of Covid-19: The Development, Gender and Health Nexus in the Global South. Bristol: Bristol University Press.  
  • Political Worlds. Political Studies Association. Early Career Network. 3-7 July 2022. Panelist.
  • Venezuela, Dispersa. University of Exeter. 11 May 2022. Panelist.
  • Polarización socioambiental y rivalidad entre grandes potencias. Latin American Studies Association. 5-8 May 2022. Panelist.
  • Politics from the Margins. Political Studies Association. 12-14 April 2022. Panelist.
  • GRRRRR. Género, Rabia, Ritmo, Rima, Ruido y Responshabilidad. Centro Internacional de Estudios de Género, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 10-12 November 2021. Panelist.
  • RightsCon Tunis. 2019. Panelist.

photo of Tallulah Lines

Contact details

Ms Tallulah Lines

Tallulah is supervised by Professor Sara de Jong and Dr Alejandro Peña