Title of Research:
Rectifying Historical Injustice: Racial Injustice and Political Methodology
Brief overview of research topic:
Political theory attempts to describe our world while concurrently being a part of that world. In this project, I explore this relationship between a radically unjust world and political theory. I focus on the recent “structural turn” in reparative justice and philosophy more generally. In doing so, I intend to develop an account of structural injustice focusing on racial injustice that can answer the question of what responsibility philosophical and political theory as a discipline and political theorists as political agents have to rectify historical injustice.
Visiting Fellow in Philosophy at Harvard University, USA, September to December 2024.
Visiting Postgraduate Research Student in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh, May to June 2024.
MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science
BA in Mathematics and Philosophy (with honours and distinction) from Colby College, USA
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant for 5SSPP210: Post-Colonial Theory and 6SSPP377: Advanced Topics in Political Theory in the Department of Political Economy, King's College London.
Grader and Tutor for PL151: Philosophy of Logic and Argumentation at Colby College
Publications/Conference Presentations
Respondent to Inez Valdez's book Democracy and Empire: Labor, Nature, and the Reproduction of Capitalism (CUP 2023), York Political Theory Book Workshop, University of York, May 2024.
‘Foundational and Contestatory Personhood’, York Political Theory Workshop, University of York, March 2024.
‘Against Personhood’ in workshop panel on ‘The Hidden Terms of the Racial Contract: Exploring the Fine Print’, MANCEPT Workshops, University of Manchester September 2023.
‘Angela Davis and Activist Political Theory', Joint Graduate Conference in Political Theory, University of Edinburgh, June 2023.