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Erik R. Cardona-Gómez


Title of Research:

"The Recognition of the Indigenous Right to Self-determination"

Brief overview of research topic:

The relationship between settler societies and indigenous communities is a recurrent topic in the literature of multiculturalism. The reason for this is because it is one that involves issues of inclusion and cultural difference. However, the argument that I present is that multicultural political theory does not capture the normative claims of indigenous communities in settler societies. Instead, I argue that granting some level of self-government on the grounds of historical injustice and structural injustice, empowers indigenous communities to hold the settler state accountable. Second, I argue that it allows guaranteeing the protection of the individual rights of the members of the indigenous communities since this form of self-government is one based around the principle of joint-governance.




University of York, M.A., Political Theory, 2016.

University of Toronto, M.A., Political Science, 2014.

Tecnológico de Monterrey, B.A., Political Science, 2012.


Peer Reviewed Article

Cardona-Gómez, Erik and Sergio Bárcena Juárez. “Identidad y Representación Política: Reflexiones Contemporáneas,” En-claves del Pensamiento 9, no. 17 (2015): pp. 69-86.

Book Chapter

Cardona-Gómez, Erik. “El Compromiso de la Representación Política en la Democracia de Resultados: la Reforma Político Electoral y la Legislatura LXXIII del Estado de Michoacán,” in Los Congresos en México: la Representación Política en el Contexto de las Reformas Electorales, edited by Rosa María Mirón Lince, Ángel Gustavo López Montiel and Sergio Arturo Bárcena Juárez, 259-285. Mexico: UNAM, 2017.

Paper Presentations

“The Politics of Escalation: Indigenous Demands of Justice and Territorial Rights.” First Annual UCLA Graduate Student Conference in Political Theory. Los Angeles (via Zoom), April 23-25, 2021.

"'On the Protection of Indigenous Intellectual Property in Settler Colonial Contexts." Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory 2020. Coventry, February 15, 2020.  

"Recognition, not Assimilation: Nation and Cultural Pluralism in the Thought of Guillermo Bonfil Batalla." 2019 Postcolonial Studies Association Convention. Manchester, September 11-13, 2019.

“The Political Representation of Historically Marginalized Groups.” The Social & Political Inequalities Research Cluster Annual Conference. Manchester, June 28, 2017.

“The Clash of Nationalisms: Mexico's Resistance to the Trump Administration and the Limits of Unity.” PILAS Annual Conference 2017. Leeds, June 26-27, 2017.

“The Discourse of Unity and the Impossibility of Emancipation: Racial Identities and Donald Trump.” University of York Sociology Postgraduate Conference 2016. York, May 10, 2016.

“Violencia y Elecciones en los Estados de la República Mexicana, 2003-2012.” XXV National Congress and V International of Electoral Studies. San José (Costa Rica), November 11-14, 2014.

“Influencia de la conformación gubernamental y el pluralismo partidista en la profesionalización de los congresos estatales en México, 2009-2012.”

  • First International Forum: Mechanisms of Innovation of the Legislative Power. Mexico City, August 20-23, 2013.
  • Conference of Legislatures in Mexico and the Americas. San Diego, October 18-19, 2012.

“Disciplina partidista y profesionalización legislativa en la V Legislatura de la ALDF.” IV International Congress of the Mexican Association of Parliamentary Studies (AMEP). Mexico City, April 17-18-19, 2013.

Erik Cardona-Gomez profile image

Erik is supervised by Professor Matthew Festenstein and Dr Alasia Nuti

Contact details

Mr Erik Cardona-Gomez