Accessibility statement

Yujue Cao

Title of research

WHO and Global Health Governance

Brief overview of research topic

Globalisation provides opportunities and challenges for global health. Among these, the role played by the WHO cannot be overlooked. With the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020, we can once again glimpse that world and global health governance requires WHO leadership and effective implementation of WHO's core global functions to ensure better effectiveness of all health actors. However, achieving such goals and effectiveness may be hindered by the reduced scope of activities and budgetary reallocation of the global core functions. The project will therefore revolve around a discussion of its core functions and funding, in the hope that by finding better solutions, the WHO can still play a global leading role in response to public health emergencies.

photo of Yujue Cao

Contact details

Ms Yujue Cao

Yujue is supervised by Professor Jappe Eckhardt