Structural autonomy: understanding the state and inequality in Latin America
My PhD explores the foundations of inequality in Latin America through an in-depth comparative analysis of the cases of Chile and Uruguay. I argue that in order to implement distributive processes, states require a certain level of state autonomy that allows them to act with some independence from the surrounding powers and actors. Without a minimum degree of autonomy, states are unlikely to implement processes that threaten the status quo on which they are based. Therefore, I analyze in particular how the relationship of the States with the power groups, on the one hand, and the position of the countries in the Global Financial Structure, on the other; constrains in a structural distributive processes in Latin America.
Ph.D. Candidate, University of York, UK
2018 (3 months): School of Latin American Development Studies, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/ONU), Santiago de Chile.
2018: M.A. in International Studies, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain.
2015: Graduate Diploma in Gender and Public Policy, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
2013: B.A. in Political Science, School of Social Sciences, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
2012: Undergraduate Diploma in Development. Universidad de la República Uruguay.
2016 & 2017: Winter School in Methods (Universidad Católica del Uruguay),
2014: Summer School Mixed Methods (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
Articles in specialised and refereed journals
Articles and technical reports
Book chapters
Mass media and blog
2021: Teaching Assistant (Temporary contract), Institut des Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine. Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3, Master in Development Economics Year 2, (IHEAL, France) (Modules: Development Economics, Feminist Economics).
2020: Visiting lecture: Institut des Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine. Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3, Master in Development Economics (IHEAL, France). (Course: Development Economics, Module on Feminist Economics).
2016 & 2017: Invited teaching assistant: Diploma in Gender and Public Policy. Course: State and public policies. Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO, Uruguay).