Accessibility statement

Dr Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Senior Lecturer



I am a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of York and an Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherches Politiques (CEVIPOF) at Sciences Po.

My research interests are in the areas of social and political psychology, electoral behavior, and comparative politics. 

My articles have been published in a number of leading peer-reviewed journals including The Journal of Politics, Political Psychology, Political Behavior, West European Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Environmental Politics, Electoral Studies, and Party Politics.

Since March 2023 I am co-editor of the journal Political Psychology.

You can find more information on my work on my website , my Google scholar profile or my Twitter profile.



My research focuses on the psychological substrates of political behaviour from two perspectives.

First, it investigates the role that emotional reactions play in the formation of political attitudes and vote choices in a comparative perspective. I am particularly interested in how fear and anger stemming from different types of threats shape political attitudes and vote choices across contexts.

Second, it explores how citizens' personality traits and other psychological characteristics such as authoritarianism or social dominance are associated with political choices, with an emphasis on how contextual and individual characteristics jointly shape political behaviour.

Available PhD research projects

Dr Pavlos Vasilopoulos welcomes PhD applications in the following areas:

  • Political psychology
  • Electoral behaviour using quantitative methods
  • Political geography



  • Introduction to Democratic Politics POL00002C
  • Political Participation and Democracry POL00041H
  • Political Enquiry in Politics POL00050I

External activities


Associate researcher at the Center of Political Research at Sciences Po

Contact details

Dr Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Senior Lecturer
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
Heslington Lane
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 323553