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Dr Sara Van Goozen
Lecturer in Political Philosophy


Sara graduated from Maastricht University with a BA(Hons) in History and Politics. She then moved to Manchester, where she completed an MA and then a PhD in Political Theory at the University of Manchester.

Sara's research focuses on topics in contemporary just war theory and global ethics more generally. She has published on topics ranging from the just risk distribution in war, the moral status of animals in war and the distribution of scarce medical resources. She is also interested in various other areas in contemporary (social/political) philosophy, including animal rights, environmental ethics, and military ethics.

In addition, she has pursued research on inclusive assessment and feedback practices, and is one of the founding members of the Teaching Political Theory Network.

She is a member of the editorial team of Justice Everywhere, a blog about philosophy in public affairs.

Sara Van Goozen image

Contact details

Sara Van Goozen
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
YO10 5DD