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Professor Louise Haagh


Professor Louise Haagh researches and writes about problems relating to the democratisation of human development, economic justice, modalities of institutional change, and social transformation. Louise is also known for her advocacy for a broader humanist, democratic defence of basic income that sets this reform in the context of a human development perspective on freedom and the problem of democratisation of the public sphere. She has four books forthcoming with Palgrave, Polity, and Routledge on this topic.

You can find out more about Louise and her work on her website 

Louise Haagh obtained her doctorate in Politics from St. Antony's College, Oxford University, and held a British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at St. Antony's from 1998 till 2001. In 2001 she took up a lectureship at the Politics Department of the University of York where she is now a Professor.

Since 2017 Louise has been contracted by the World Health Organisation(WHO), the public health agency of the United Nations, to advise in its work on the European Health Equity Status Report(HESR). WHO plans to publish the HESR every four years as an instrument in advancing the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Louise's work on Universal basic income policies and their potential for addressing health inequities was published in June 2019 by the WHO.

Louise has conducted a series of surveys on the function of developmental institutions and on sources of human motivation in the context of different welfare systems. Her comparative empirical work has focussed on labour market institutions, welfare systems and developmental transformation in developing and mature economies, including Chile, South Korea, Brazil, Nordic states and the Anglo-liberal economies, primarily Britain. In the context of her work on economic security she has acted as expert for a range of international organisations and public bodies, most recently the Council of Europe for a period of three years. Her work on basic income has featured in a range of public fora and media. In 2016 she was key-note speaker at a public debate held in the Danish parliament on basic income, and in 2017 witness to an inquiry into the subject held by the Work and Pensions Committee of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. In 2017 her writing was featured by a number of independent think tanks and media, including: Compass, The Royal Society of Arts and Manufacture, and Social Europe. She has participated in a number of recent public or radio debates on the topic, including Bristol Festival of Ideas, BBC World Service, R1 of Denmark, Reality Check - FM4 Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, and the RSA podcast series.

Since 2014  she has been the co-chair elect of the international registered charity, Basic Income Earth Network. She is active in forging public debate between actors interested in basic income, including political parties and the union movement, as exemplified in this public debate between Louise Haagh acting as Chair of BIEN, the Danish LO, and Member of Parliament for the Alternative and Shadow Spokesperson for employment and social affairs, Torsten Gejl.  A write-up about the background behind her engagement with basic income. Her work has been cited in the New Scientist (What Happens if we Pay People Just to Live? - by Hal Hodson.), and she has an article forthcoming in the Magazine Nature – Human Behaviour.

Louise Haagh has been a visiting fellow at a series of research institutes and universities internationally, including Cornell University (USA), Yonsei University (South Korea), and the Brazil Centre at Oxford University. She has held research fellowships from The British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust and has carried out a series of research trips funded by these institutions and the Nuffield Foundation in the Americas and East Asia since coming to York. This work has focussed on the relationship between institutions and human motivation and to that end testing standard behavioural models informing mainstream economics and public policy, as exemplified in (World Development).

Her recent work focusses on drawing out a different account of varieties of capitalism in terms of the role of public sector development, institutional change and democratisation, as exemplified in Policy and Politics; Polity, and Basic Income Studies.

Louise Haagh has also undertaken work under the auspices of several international organisations and public bodies, including the World Bank Social Protection Department, The Council of Europe, The Korean Labor Institute, The World Bank Social Development Department, The Organisation of American States, the International Labour Organisation, and the Canadian Council of Welfare, among others.

In 2014 Louise Haagh’s contribution as a teacher at York was celebrated by her student nomination as one of the 86 present and former staff nominated ‘Faces of Fifty’, demarcating the university’s 50thAnniversary.

“The quality of her teaching in both lectures and seminars is absolutely outstanding. I was lucky enough to have her as my lecturer and tutor.”
Faces for Fifty nomination

Cited in New Scientist feature 22 June 2016: What Happens if we Pay People Just to Live? - by Hal Hodson.

BBC World Service Programme ‘In the Balance’ broadcast 19 November 2016.

Panel debate on basic income at the Bristol Festival of Ideas.

Louise Haagh at the Cambridge Union April 2018

Contact details

Professor Louise Haagh
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323549
Fax: 01904 323563