Louise Frith is a Departmental Academic and Communication Skills Lecturer at the University, based in the Department of Politics and International Relations. She specialises in writing skills and writing for academic purposes.
Louise works closely with staff and students to embed academic skills into the curriculum. She regularly contributes to the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, and she is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Before working at York, Louise taught academic skills across the disciplines at the University of Kentand she led the university’s peer mentoring team.
Selected publications
Millard, L. Frith, L. and Colman, P. (forthcoming) Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning. McGrawHill
Frith, L. Lamont, J. & Maitland, L (2022) How does academic skills classes support students' participation and belonging? ALDinHE conference
Frith, L and Martin, R (2021). Professional Writing Skills for Social Workers (2ndEd). OUP, McGraw Hill. Maidenhead
Frith, L. May, G. and Pocklington, A. (2017)The Students Guide to Peer Mentoring. Bloomsbury
Frith (2016) What Role does Academic Peer Mentoring play in addressing the Attainment Gap? Student Success Conference. University of Kent
.Frith, L. (2010) How do different models of PDP influence the embedding of e-portfolios in Journal for Learning Development in Higher Education
Buckley, C & Frith L (2010) ‘Building a PDP community of practice’, CRA International Conference on PDP and e-portfolios. Nottingham 26-28 April.
Frith, L. Martin, R & Osborne, S (2009). Using e-portfolios to evidence practice learning for Social Work students. In Technology supported environments for personalised learning ed O’Donoghue, J
Louise teaches Academic Skills to all postgrad taught masters students in the Department of Politics. She also advises on embedding academic skills in the undergrad Politics programmes and runs regular writing retreats for postgraduate masters students. Louise has developed and taught peer mentoring modules and she has worked with colleagues on a wide variety of educational projects including; a student-led conference in the School of Education, and student success and wellbeing projects.