MSc (UCD, Dublin), PhD (UCD, Dublin)
José A. Gutiérrez is a sociologist with an anthropological background, and lecturer at the Centre for Applied Human Rights. His work, focused particularly in rural settings, explores the intersections between conflict studies, human rights and peace studies. He has actively participated in various transitional justice initiatives in Colombia.
José is also Research Fellow at the Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) at the Dublin City University (DCU). He was post-doctoral research fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and at Teagasc -the Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland. He was awarded the prestigious Andrew Grene scholarship by the Irish Research Council and the Conflict Resolution Unit of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Ireland to complete his PhD, which won the Dr Máire de Paór award at University College Dublin (UCD).
José A. Gutiérrez has done extensive ethnographic research in Colombia, particularly among conflict-affected peasant communities in the South West and South East of the country. His work has been published in prestigious journals in the area of conflict, and has fed into the growing literature on rebel governance and civilian-combatant interactions. His work with rural communities, together with his defence of peasant rights, have informed his work on Transitional Justice and Transformative Justice from the perspective of agrarian conflict. With Eric Hoddy (University of York) and Dáire McGill (Oxford), he co-authored a book in Spanish on Transformative Justice and the Agrarian Question, “Justicia Transformativa y Conflicto Agrario. Elementos para un Debate Necesario” (Ediciones Santo Tomás, Colombia, 2023).
José’s work also focuses on Statebuilding, criminality, political contention and armed conflict. As a result of collaborative work with other scholars on the field, he co-authored with Francisco Gutiérrez-Sanín the edited volume “State, Political Power and Criminality in Civil War” (Routledge, 2023). He is currently working on a follow-up to this edited volume. His work has been published mostly in English and Spanish, and bridges the Latin American sociological tradition with recent developments in the English-speaking academia.
PhD Supervision:
- Camila Cavalcanti Teixeira “Struggle and Law: social movements in Brazil and Colombia and their mobilisation for social transformation through human rights law”
Dr Jose Gutierrez welcomes PhD applications in the following areas:
- Conflict
- Statebuilding
- Peacebuilding
- Human Rights
- Transitional Justice
- Latin America