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Dr Jacob Eriksson



Jacob holds BA and MA degrees from the War Studies Department at King's College London, and a PhD from the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS). After completing his PhD, he worked as a Learning Development Manager at SOAS, primarily working in academic skills development. He joined the department in York in October 2012.

Jacob is the current admissions tutor.



Jacob's research interests include Middle Eastern politics, conflict, and conflict resolution, particularly in the context of post-war recovery and peace building. He has done extensive research on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the failed peace process and third-party mediation. His first book, Small-state Mediation in International Conflicts: Diplomacy and Negotiation in Israel-Palestine was published by IB Tauris in 2015, and he has published articles in Middle East Policy and Global Affairs on external engagement in the conflict. He continues to research the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and small-state mediation more broadly.
His current research project, funded by the C and JB Morrell Trust, is on Iraq's post-ISIS recovery, focusing in particular on issues of governance, transitional justice, and reconciliation. He is interested in exploring the relationship between these processes and the continuing ISIS insurgency, and how they can contribute to building long-term peace. He is the co-editor, together with Dr Ahmed Khaleel, of Iraq after ISIS: The challenges of post-war recovery, published by Palgrave in 2018.


PhD Supervision
  • Maryam al-Mahmoud, 'Mediation diplomacy as small-state survival strategy: a case study of Qatar's engagement with the Taliban and Hamas'
  • Fazal Wahab, 'Counterterrorism policies of Pakistan: how does a war generation survive and resist the armed conflict in the Tribal Districts?'
Dr Jacob Eriksson welcomes PhD applications in the following areas:
  • Conflict
  • Conflict resolution
  • Mediation
  • Peace building
  • Post-war recovery
  • Peace and conflict in the Middle East



Political Transition in the Middle East (POL00022H)


Understanding Conflict & Responses to Conflict (POL00002M)

Other teaching

MA Post-war Recovery Studies Field Trip

Jacob Eriksson

Contact details

Dr Jacob Eriksson
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
YO10 5DD