Accessibility statement

Dr Eric Hoddy



Eric is a social scientist with research interests in climate and development, human rights and social movements, human rights leadership, and transitional and transformative justice. His most recent research focuses on climate adaptation and legal consciousness in urban informal settlements, and transformative justice in transitional and post-conflict settings.

Eric has held research positions with Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (Sweden), the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at The University of Sheffield (UK), and the WorldFish research centre (Malaysia). He is currently a Research Fellow on the Earth System Governance Project (Utrecht University) and a member of its Taskforce on Planetary Justice.

Eric is happy to consider supervision of human rights related PhD projects on the following topics:

Development and sustainability
Climate and environmental change
Social movements
Transitional and transformative justice



Recent funded research: TRANSIST is a joint interdisciplinary project between Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies and the University of York (Stockholm Environment Institute and York Law School), ‘From everyday forms of resistance to transformational climate change adaptation of the urban poor’, funded by the Vetenskapsrådent VR (Sweden). The research, undertaken in Maputo, Mozambique, investigates relationships between everyday risk perceptions, resilience and everyday legal cultures, and their influence on the potential for transformational change.

Previous funded research includes an ESRC fellowship on ‘Developing the research and practice agenda on transformative justice’, which focused on the needs and priorities of a community of poor farmers in Tunisia in the context of democratic transition.

Current pump priming project funded by CAHR’s Generating Respect Hub: Transitional Justice in the Anthropocene.

Read more about From everyday forms of resistance to transformational climate change adaptation of the urban poor.

Developing the research and practice agenda on transformative justice.
Read more about Transitional Justice in the Anthropocene.

Available PhD research projects

Eric would welcome applications from the following areas of interest:

  • Human rights practice
  • Transitional justice
  • Human rights
  • Sustainable development,
  • Social movements


Selected publications

Recent publications

  • Hoddy, E. et al. (2024). Human Rights Leadership: An Action Research Project. UNESCO HRD Hub working paper no.3, University of York.
  • Hoddy, E., Halliday, S., Ensor, J., Wamsler, C. and Boyd, E. (2023). Legal culture and climate change adaptation: An agenda for research. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 14(3).
  • Sarapura-Escobar, S. and Hoddy, E.T., (2023). Safeguarding the land to secure food in the highlands of Peru: The case of Andean peasant producers. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6.
  • Danton, J.A.G., Hoddy, E. and McGill, D. (eds). (2023). Justicia transformativa y conflicto agrario. Elementos para un debate necesario [Transformative Justice and Agrarian Conflict: Elements for a Necessary Debate]. Santo Tomas University Press.
  • Hoddy, E. and Gray, J., (2022). Human rights leadership in challenging times: an agenda for research and practice. The International Journal of Human Rights, 27(4).
  • Hoddy, E., (2021). Peasants' rights and agrarian violence in transitional settings: From transitional justice to transformative agrarian justice. Journal of Human Rights, 20(1), pp.91-109.

External activities


  • Peer Review College member, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
  • Member of the Advisory Committee to the UNESCO Chair in Sport for Development, Peace and the Environment (SDPE).
  • Editorial Board member, International Journal of Social Research Methodology



  • Applying Human Rights
  • Transitional Justice and Human Rights
  • Project Placement (South Africa placement co-lead)

Contact details

Dr Eric Hoddy
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
YO10 5DD