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Dr Pinar Dokumaci
Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Pınar is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Leverhulme-Trust-funded project Rethinking Civil Society: History, Theory, Critique at the Department of Politics, University of York, where she examines Western and non-Western feminist critiques of the civil society.

Pınar completed her PhD at the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, where she specialized in Political Theory and Comparative Politics. Pınar’s research spans multiple disciplines (most notably politics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, religion, and law) and closely interweaves comparative political theory with ethnographic empirical research. Her main interest targets the dynamics of feminist solidarity and disagreement between women’s rights groups in deep-rooted politico-religious conflict and how these groups interact with each other in the civil society. In doing so, Pınar examines identity-building aspect of feminist activism in the civil society as well as gradual and iterative transformations of political prejudice and distrust during such encounters. In her theoretical research, Pınar aims to bring together postcolonial, post-Orientalist theories of feminist subjectivity and deliberative democracy from an alternative relational psychoanalytic approach. In her dissertation, entitled “Thinking Beyond the Secular-Pious Divide: A relational Study within and in-between Secular Feminists and Pious Feminists in Turkey,” Pınar focused on the alternative vocabularies of the disagreement between secular/Kemalist feminists and Islamic/pious women’s civil society groups in the women’s rights movement in Turkey.

Pınar also holds degrees in Economics, International Relations, and European Studies. Prior to her PhD, she worked as a research fellow at Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) and interned at UNHCR in Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact details

Dr Pinar Dokumaci
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
Heslington Lane
YO10 5DD