Wednesday 3 March 2021, 1.00PM to 2:00 PM
Speaker(s): Adel Al-Hawatmeh
The next PGR Colloquium features Adel Al-Hawatmeh and his research on "Effectiveness of economic sanctions in nuclear non-proliferation; An Iranian case study 2006-2013"
Adel will examine the effectiveness of the economic sanctions on nuclear non-proliferation by focusing on the Iranian case. The research question is: What is the relationship between the economic sanctions’ impacts and social impact on policy change in Iran related to its nuclear programme and international negotiations to constrain its nuclear programme? Adel will trace the relationship between economic impacts, social impact and policy change in Iran by; Firstly, analyzing the role of imposed economic sanctions (Embargo, boycott, travel ban, and assets freeze) on inflation; investments and GDP consequently on the Iranian society. Secondly, examining the linkage between increased social challenges such as (corruption, crimes, and unemployment) and social discontent, in order to understand the Iranians’ tendency toward political participation (demonstrations and voting preferences) as a social impact to influence policy change in Iran.
Everyone welcome
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Admission: Free, All welcome