Thursday 22 June 2017, 10.00AM to 16:30
Please register here if you would like to attend.
Programme details:
10:00-10.15 - Coffee/Registration
10:15-10:30 - Welcome; Nina Caspersen (University of York)
10:30-12:00 - Panel 1: The Effect of Non-State Governance on Conflict Dynamics
Ana Arjona (Northwestern University - via Skype): ‘An institutionalist approach to civil war recruitment: Evidence from Colombia and Kosovo’
Sukanya Podder (King’s College London): ‘Wartime governance and rebel legitimacy: A relational perspective'
Nina Caspersen (University of York): ‘Negotiating with well-organised rebels: A recipe for success or failure?’
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45-14.15 - Panel 2: The Effect of Conflict Dynamics on Non-State Governance
Chair: Urban Jakša (University of York)
Adrian Florea (University of Glasgow): ‘Rebel Governance in De Facto States: An Empirical Test’
Benedetta Berti (Tel Aviv University): ‘Governance-Building, Ideology and Localization of Politics in War-Time: Evidence from Syria’
Anastasia Shesterinina (University of Sheffield): ‘In and Out of the Unit: Social Ties and Insurgent Cohesion in the Abkhaz Army’
14.15-14.30 Coffee
14:30-16.15 - Panel 3. Post-War Impacts and International Responses
Patricia Justino (University of Sussex): ‘On the Legacies of Wartime Governance: Evidence from Angola’
Ciaran O’Toole (Conciliation Resources): ‘Post conflict Bougainville, and it's future political status'
Philippe Frowd (University of York): ‘Non-state security provision and international intervention in the Sahel’
George Kyris (University of Birmingham): ‘Conflict, statehood and sovereignty in world politics: The International Community and Unrecognised States’
16:15-16:30 - Concluding Remarks
Location: K/G33, King's Manor
Admission: All welcome - please register for catering purposes