Accessibility statement

"York is fantastic. It has great scenery, superb architecture, and the kindest people in the world. It's been an enriching experience studying the MA in Public Administration, which has taught me a lot about strategic planning, critical thinking and leadership skills, and satisfied my strong interests in the third sector, administration and policy implementation.

This year I've learned about the work of non-governmental organisations and the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility, which strikes a balance between the interests of business, society and the environment.

As a course rep, I've enjoyed helping resolve other students' issues, which has helped me develop good friendships with my peers. I've realised it's important to be modest, but confident in class, and I've really appreciated being able to rely on the university staff for help.

Coming from China, it's been an adventure living in a very different country, and I've tried to make as many friends as possible and take part in local life to gain the most from the experience.

Becoming a volunteer for Visit York has given me so many unforgettable memories. I've been interviewed by the BBC, Xinhua newspaper, the York Press, and the university magazine. It's led to me getting an internship, which, along with my academic achievements at York, will boost my career prospects."
