The Centre hosts workshops, conferences and speaker events on all issues relating to political theory.
Upcoming events
Past events
York Political Theory Workshop 5: Epistemic Reasons for Stakeholder Engagement
Join us for the fifth York Political Theory Workshop of the first semester
York Political Theory Workshop 4: What’s tyrannical about majoritarianism?
Join us for the fourth York Political Theory Workshop of the first semester
Political Theory Workshops
Upcoming Semester 1 Political Theory Workshops
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Meritocratic Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Political Theory
Join us for the first York Political Theory Workshop of the first semester
The Dispersion of Power: A Critical Realist Theory of Democracy
Upcoming Semester 2 Book Panel
Democracy and Empire: Labor, Nature, and the Reproduction of Capitalism
Upcoming Semester 2 Book Panel
The Politics of Becoming: Anonymity and Democracy in the Digital Age
Upcoming Semester 2 Book Panel
York Political Theory Workshop 2: The Right to Stand as a Candidate and the Democratic Value of Elections
Join us for the second York Political Theory Workshop of the second semester
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Slavery in a Society of Equals
Join us for the first York Political Theory Workshop of the second semester
White Rose Political Theory Workshop
Upcoming Semester 1 White Rose Political Theory Workshop
York Political Theory Workshop 5
Upcoming Semester 1 Political Theory Workshop
York Political Theory Workshop 4: Towards a Democratic Theory of Unions
Upcoming Semester 1 Political Theory Workshop
York Political Theory Workshop 3: What We Owe to Impaired Agents
What We Owe to Impaired Agents presented by Dr Giacomo Floris (University of York)
York Political Theory Workshop 2: Law, Time and (In)Justice after Empire
Law, Time and (In)Justice after Empire: Germany’s Objection to Colonial Reparations and the Chronopolitics of Deflection.
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Inventive Storytelling and Human Rights
Upcoming Semester 1 Political Theory Workshop
Methods and Challenges in Teaching Political Theory
This one day workshop aims to examine if there are discrete or relatively independent considerations in the teaching of political theory.
York Political Theory Workshop 4: Expropriation as Reparation
Join us for the final York Political Theory Workshop of the Summer term.
York Political Theory Workshop 3: Enoch Powell's Nationhood and Constitutional Battles over Europe, Northern Ireland, and Devolution
Join us for the third York Political Theory Workshop of the Summer term.
Book Manuscript Workshop
Jennifer Page
Calling State to Power to Account: A Political The
Christopher Bennett (University of Sheffield)Derrick Darby (Rutgers University)Alasia Nuti (University of York)Zofia Stemplowska (University of Oxford) -
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Well, Actually…’ Mansplaining and its Anti-Democratic Harms
Join us for the second York Political Theory Workshop of the Summer term.
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Face/body equality: Should we aspire to it?
Join us for the first York Political Theory Workshop of the Summer term.
York Political Theory Workshop 3: Ecological Guilt, Political Mourning and Contestatory Citizenship
Join us for the third York Political Theory Workshop of the Spring term.
York Political Theory Workshop 2: Conscripted Representation, Power and Oppression
Join us for the second York Political Theory Workshop of the Spring term.
York Political Theory Workshop 1: Empowering Workers
Join us for the first York Political Theory Workshop of the Spring term.
York Political Theory Workshop 4: Externality and Necessity in Marxist and Ecological Concepts in Political Theory
Political Theory Workshop
York Political Theory Workshop 3: Climate Migration and Territorial Justice.
Climate Migration and Territorial Justice presented by Anna Stilz Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton University
York Political Theory Workshop 2: Martin Luther King Jr. on Civic Friendship and Faithful Distrust.
Martin Luther King Jr. on Civic Friendship and Faithful Distrust.
York Political Theory Workshop 1: When Does Attachment Count?
Political Theory Workshop
Rethinking Civil Society’ Colloquium, 22-24 June 2021
History, Theory, Critique
Book Manuscript Workshop
Chris Armstrong
Ocean Justice: Political Theory for a Blue Planet
Dimitrios Efthymiou (GU Frankfurt am Main)Petra Gümplová (Universität Erfurt)Cara Nine (University College Cork) Phil Parvin (Loughborough) -
Reflection: British Art In An Age Of Change
History, Theory, Critique
Recognition & Respect in Early Modern Philosophy
Recognition & Respect in Early Modern Philosophy