Needs and Entitlement: examining the impact of the two child limit and benefit cap

This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Monday 17 July 2023, 1pm to 2.30pm
  • Location: Online only
  • Audience: Open to This event is open to all.
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

The Benefit Changes and Larger Families project is a collaboration between the Child Poverty Action Group and the universities of York, Oxford, and the London School of Economics. Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, this project has for the last 3 years been studying the impact of the two child limit and benefit cap on larger families.

Join us in this Zoom webinar as we present the findings of this research and discuss what more can be done to support families who face significant challenges as a result of these policies.

The session will be chaired by Sophie Howes, Head of Policy at the Child Poverty Action Group.

Speakers at the session will include:

  • Alex Beer - Programme Head at the Nuffield Foundation
  • Abby Jitendra - Principal Policy Adviser at Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Shabna Begum - Head of Research, Runnymede Trust. 

We will also hear from people with lived experience of these policies and from members of the research team:

  • Wendy and Gina - participants of the Benefit Changes and Larger Families project
  • Kate Andersen, University of York
  • Ruth Patrick, University of York
  • Aaron Reeves, University of Oxford
  • Kitty Stewart, London School of Economics