Nuclear Physics
Our research is primarily focused on experimental studies into various aspects of the structure of nuclei and nuclear processes, including reactions of relevance to nuclear astrophysics.
We study the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei and the origin of elements in the cosmos by employing and developing experimental and theoretical techniques.
As well as pursuing fundamental research focusing on the key questions at the forefront of the field, we develop new techniques in nuclear technology, working closely with industrial partners.
We are strongly committed to inspiring the next generation of scientists and bringing the excitement of fundamental science to the wider public.
Contact us
Professor David Jenkins
Head of Group
Dr Marina Petri
Deputy Head of Group
- Professor Andrei Andreyev
Shapes and fission
- Dr Charles Barton
Nuclear astrophysics
- Dr Mikhail Bashkanov
Hadron Physics
- Professor Mike Bentley
Nuclear Symmetries
- Dr Christian Diget
Nuclear astrophysics
- Professor Jacek Dobaczewski
Theoretical nuclear structure, nuclear density functionals
- Professor Brian Fulton
Nuclear astrophysics
- Professor David Jenkins
Nuclear symmetries
- Dr Alison Laird
Nuclear astrophysics
- Dr Stefanos Paschalis
Exotic nuclei
- Professor Bob Wadsworth
Nuclear symmetries
- Professor Dan Watts
Hadron, nuclear and medical physics
- Dr Nick Zachariou
Hadron physics
- Dr Toby Bird
Nuclear target development - Dr Jamie Brown
Nuclear applications - Dr Pietro Caradonna
Quantum entanglement of MeV photons - Dr Sidong Chen
Gamma-ray tracking spectrometers - Dr James Cubiss
Shapes/Fission - Dr Stuart Fegan
Hadron Physics - Dr Adrian Sanchez Fernandez
Theoretical nuclear physics - Dr Xuwei Sun
Theoretical nuclear physics - Dr Ryo Taniuchi
Exotic nuclei - Dr Luke Tetley
Exotic nuclei - Dr Herlik Wibowo
Theoretical nuclear physics - Dr Wei Zhang
Exotic nuclei
- Julien Bordes
GEANT4 Research Software Engineer - Dr Adam Featherstone
Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation Fellow - Dr Pankaj Joshi
Senior technical specialist
Application areas
We apply our collective expertise to six key research areas:
Contact us
Professor David Jenkins
Head of Group
Dr Marina Petri
Deputy Head of Group