We use cutting-edge tools and intellectual concepts from the physical sciences to tackle challenging questions from the life sciences.

Our research spans multiple length scales from quantum biology and individual molecules through to single-cell physics and the biophysics of cell populations and complex tissues.

We work closely with the Biological Physical Sciences Interdisciplinary Network (BPSInet) where our researchers are involved in several cross-school collaborations between physical and life scientists focused on a range of biophysics questions. We also a pivotal node of the Physics of Life UK Network (PoLNET), instrumental in supporting and driving national research strategy in the Physics of Life.


Contact us

Professor Mark Leake
Coordinator of Physics of Life Group


About our group

We established a biological physics research centroid in 2015 following a series of open biophysics discussion events, which later grew in 2018 into one of the Physics, Electronics and Technology School's major research groupings comprising several different research teams. It became clear that there were significant emergent activities that aligned either directly with addressing biological questions, or with applying biophysics to applications in the life sciences, including the use of biological or bio-inspired devices and materials.

Application areas

Our strength is our breadth, spanning multiple key research areas:

Contact us

Professor Mark Leake
Coordinator of Physics of Life Group
