Undergraduate degrees in physics
Uncover the deepest forces of nature and probe the wonders of the universe. Take the lead in science crucial to society, from healthcare technologies to tomorrow's sustainable energy solutions.
Why study physics at York?
At York, you’ll be taught by researchers who are applying physics to big societal challenges, like climate change and secure quantum communications. They’ll teach you to analyse complex situations and propose real-world solutions.
Our academics collaborate closely with national and international partners, investigating key areas such as fundamental particle research and designing next-generation fusion reactors. Through close links with industry and professional training built into our curriculum, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in your chosen career.
Our courses
Our Physics degrees start with core physics, mathematics, experimental laboratories and professional skills activities to achieve a broad understanding of the universe. You'll then be able to specialise in frontier physics, from fusion energy to superconductivity.
Our Theoretical Physics degrees will train you in methods to understand complex systems within physics. You’ll view the physical world using mathematical and computational tools enabling you to explore exciting topics such as computational quantum mechanics.
Our Physics with Astrophysics degrees give you an understanding of the physical processes at work in the universe. You can explore topics including outstanding questions in cosmology, exoplanets, and nucleosynthesis.
Philosophers are fascinated by the conceptual issues raised by physics, and some of the greatest physicists have been concerned with philosophical questions. Our Physics and Philosophy courses allow you to discover how both approaches help illuminate the nature of reality.
Our Mathematics and Physics degrees will develop a deep appreciation of both subject areas. You'll be introduced to the most mathematically advanced methods in order to solve exciting problems in physics. You'll split your learning between Mathematics and Physics, receiving training from specialist staff in both subject areas.
Our foundation year course offers a route into physics if you're missing relevant qualifications.
Or search all undergraduate courses.
Course options
You can choose to study a three-year Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, or a four-year Master of Physics (MPhys) which gives you the opportunity to gain a Masters-level qualification and challenges you to study your subject to a deeper level.
You can add a year in industry to your course through the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy (wripa.ac.uk), or a year abroad to broaden your academic and social horizons.
Visiting students
If you're studying at a university outside the UK, you may be able to spend up to a year in York as a visiting student.
Scholarships and funding
Find out about scholarships and studentships that are available to students in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology.
Dedicated facilities
Work with world-renowned physicists and access our unique facilities, like our Astrocampus, our fantastic undergraduate laboratories, and computational laboratories.
Committed to equality
We are proud to hold an Athena SWAN Silver award in recognition of the work we do to support gender equality.
Our Physics courses are accredited by the Institute of Physics. Completing one of our degrees will put you on track to becoming a Chartered Physicist.
Physics facilities
Delve deeper into the fundamental forces of nature in our industry-standard facilities. Hone your skills in our modern, dedicated laboratories such as the Atomic and Nuclear Lab, computational laboratories, and Astrocampus.
- You'll learn skills in analysis, mathematics and problem-solving that are relevant in a wide range of industries, including financial technology, energy and medical healthcare.
- You'll be supported by the York-led White Rose Industrial Physics Academy; a dedicated resource that collaborates with students and employers. We work with industry leaders such as Rolls Royce, Airbus, IBM and Siemens, plus research facilities including Diamond Light Source, CERN and STFC to facilitate placement opportunities.
- As part of our dedicated careers support for Physics students, we organise year in industry placements, careers fairs, leadership-building exercises, and site visits. These activities support our diverse range of talented students to enter the graduate job market with a competitive edge.
- For students demonstrating outstanding performance or progress, Physics at York offers paid Masterclass Research Placements working within one of our research groups.

Student and graduate stories
Hear what our students and graduates have to say about studying with us.
Free online courses
Delve into areas of current physics research and how they can shed light on the fundamental nature of the universe.
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