Postgraduate research degrees in physics
Delve deeper into the fundamental forces of nature and deliver specialised research that addresses the complex problems of today’s world.
At York, we're at the forefront of pioneering global research and technological advancement that has real-world impact. In collaboration with national and international partners, we investigate key areas, from fundamental particle research to designing next-generation fusion reactors.
Our well-established industrial links enable us to translate our research into solutions for societal challenges and maximise the impact of our work. With these links, we continuously engage in knowledge exchange and have seen many innovative products brought to fruition. We work collaboratively with industry leaders such as Seagate, JEOL, Toyota, Intel, AWE and Smith & Nephew. Through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, we have worked with SMEs such as Kromek and MM Microwave. Our reputation in research has led to collaborations with major facilities including Diamond Light Source, CERN, FAIR facility and RIKEN.
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Visiting postgraduate researchers
Spend up to a year in York as a visiting research student from a university outside the UK.
Research projects
Our academics are working on a wide range of projects suitable for research students to join.
Scholarships and funding
Find out about scholarships and studentships that are available to students in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology.
Our research centres offer a range of specialist facilities for physics research, including our Nanocentre, Astrocampus and Plasma Institute.

- We make major contributions to subject-specific journals as well as multidisciplinary publications such as Nature group journals. Throughout the year we present new research developments at major international conferences.
- You'll be supported by the York-led White Rose Industrial Physics Academy; a dedicated resource to facilitate collaboration between students and industry.
- Throughout your degree, you'll complete a range of training activities, designed to develop your research techniques alongside transferable skills to enhance your employability.