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Continuous online adaptation in many-core systems: from graceful degradation to graceful amelioration

Members: Dr. Gianluca Tempesti (PI) (York), Dr. Martin Trefzer (York), Prof. Andy Tyrrell (York), Dr. Nizar Dahir (York), Dr. Pedro Campos (York), Prof. Steve Furber (Manchester), Dr. Simon Davidson (Manchester), Dr. Indar Sugiarto (Manchester), Prof. Bashir Al-Hashimi (Southampton), Dr. Geoff Merrett (Southampton)
Funded by:
EPSRC (EP/L000563/1)
Partners: The University of Manchester, University of Southampton


Imagine a many-core system with thousands or millions of processing nodes that gets better and better with time at executing an application, “gracefully” providing optimal power usage while maximizing performance levels and tolerating component failures. Applications running on this system would be able to autonomously vary the number of nodes in use. The GRACEFUL project aims at investigating how such mechanisms can represent crucial enabling technologies for many-core systems.

Specifically, the project focuses on how to overcome three critical issues related to the implementation of many-core systems, as identified in the Many-Core Architectures and Concurrency in Distributed and Embedded Systems workshop organized by the EPSRC in April 2012: reliability, energy efficiency, and online optimisation. The need for reliability is an accepted challenge for many-core systems, considering the large number of components and the increasing likelihood of faults of next-generation technologies, as is the requirement to reduce the heat dissipation related to energy consumption. online optimisation, on the other hand, is a mechanism that could be vital to enable the implementation of these properties in systems where several parameters (e.g. number of available cores, power profile, substrate defects and online faults) cannot be known at compile time and cannot be managed centrally due to the vast number of cores involved. The 2011 ITRS roadmap strongly supports these considerations.

The approach is centred around two basic processes: Graceful degradation implies that the system will be able to cope with faults (permanent or temporary) or potentially damaging power consumption peaks by lowering its performance. Graceful amelioration implies that the system will constantly seek for alternative implementations that represent an improvement from the perspective of some user-defined parameter (e.g. execution speed, power consumption).


The project will combine novel fault tolerance and optimisation methods (which can be optimisation of functional performance but also of power consumption, area, etc.) using a set of background mechanisms that run concurrently with the applications, making use of spare cores (of which in a many-core system there will be significant numbers) to monitor and fix/optimize the operational cores. Thus, an application that runs rarely will be largely ignored but one that runs often will slowly become more and more optimized.

The basic scenario we will consider is that of an application running on a system consisting of many, possibly heterogeneous, processor cores. While acknowledging the fundamental importance of software compilation techniques, the project will focus on the hardware aspects of a many-core system, assuming that the application has been pre-parallelized by the user and starting the investigation from the output stage of the compiler. Each core will then handle a specific subprogram, or task, within the application.

On the implementation side, we will deploy our system on two platforms. To demonstrate the “immediate” advantages of the approach, we will implement a software-based solution to the SpiNNaker system, probably the machine that most closely approximates a many-core system currently available in the UK. Using conventional ARM cores, this implementation will illustrate how the features of the proposed approach can impact current technology.

To more fully investigate the advantages of our system and to analyse the fundamental trade-off between homogeneous and heterogeneous systems (a crucial issue in many-core research), the second platform will consist of a set of custom FPGA-based boards. While the development of a custom IC would allow greater scope for our investigations (and remains an option for a continuation project in the future), the exploratory nature of this project is better suited to a programmable logic device, which will allow us freedom to investigate alternative node architectures. The design of custom boards will allow us to introduce complex power measurement and management components that are not available in off-the-shelf solutions.