Ultra-reliable and secure networks
Future interconnected systems will exploit increased levels of automation and use of robots. To operate safely will require communications, sensors and actuators that will be required to be ultra-reliable and secure.
This application area exploits our research in wireless communications, and the ongoing standardisation activity in the mobile communications to develop such networks. Alongside, is integration of quantum and cryptographic techniques to provide security, linking with quantum communications research in the School and our colleagues in Computer Science. Secure by design is a key objective.
- Networks of sensors, especially Internet of Things, including how to deliver ultra-reliability, low latency secure networks
- Exploitation of novel approaches to sensing using signals from communication networks
- Security could be enabled via cryptography, network design including incorporating AI for reconfiguration, and free space quantum key distribution
- Sensors and their connectivity for autonomous vehicles
- Applications include factory of the future, border security, intelligent transport systems, exploiting digital twinning.