Professor Zhihong Huang
Professor of Healthcare Engineering
Areas of Expertise: Medical Ultrasound, Optical Coherence Tomography, Image analysis, tissue characterization
Zhihong joined the University of York in July 2024 as a Professor of Healthcare Engineering in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology. She graduated with a B.Sc. degree in instrumentation and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering. She previously worked at the University of Dundee over 20 years where she developed her academic career in biomedical engineering.
Building upon experiences in vibration analysis, dynamic modelling and simulation, and optics, she is particularly interested in cross-disciplinary translational research in the field of biomedical engineering. Her main research emphasis is on activities in the development of medical ultrasonic technology including imaging, high-intensity ultrasound, and optical coherence tomography based elastography.
Zhihong’s research interests are in medical ultrasound and photonics utilising acoustics and optics as tools to understand and explore the mechanisms of tissue response, which in turn support research initiatives on tissue characterization and interventional medical devices. we have a wide range of activities incorporating tissue mimicking phantom fabrication; mechanical, acoustic, thermal and optical characterization of tissue; 3D reconstruction of human anatomy and simulation, vibration analysis and robotics. The recent development has been focus on a novel and clinically relevant biomedical imaging techniques for the early diagnosis, treatment and management of disease, particular in three diverse areas: ultrasound and photonics instrumentation for ultrasonic surgical tool design and characterization; sono- and OCT- elastography for medical diagnosis; and image guidance in interventions. The technologies developed have great potential to be translated into the clinical environment to advance diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as wound healing and cancer.
This research has attracted many international research students, many with outstanding research outcomes, research projects are available for students with engineering, clinical and medical technology background.