Accessibility statement

Dr. Yuriy Zakharov


Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2399
Fax: +44 (0)1904 32 2335

Research Area: Communication Technologies Group

Areas of Expertise: Signal Processing: Audio, Signal Processing: Communications, Underwater Acoustic Systems, Wireless Systems


Dr. Yuriy Zakharov has an extensive theoretical and practical background in signal processing, communications and acoustics. He is author / co-author in excess of 80 journal and conference papers, 85 technical reports, and 20 patents. He received his MSc (1977) and PhD (1983) in Radio Engineering from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia. After receiving the MSc degree in 1977, he worked as an Engineer, Senior and Leading Engineer in the Special Design Agency of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, a large R&D company famous for its work in telemetry, satellite and space communications. In 1983, he defended his PhD “Spectrum estimation techniques for telemetry systems”. In 1983, Y. Zakharov joined the N. N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, one of the leading Russian R&D companies in acoustics, where he was a Head of the Laboratory “Signal processing for underwater acoustic communications”. In 1989, he received the diploma “Senior Scientist in Acoustics” from the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1994, in parallel with the work in the Acoustics Institute, Y. Zakharov organised and led a large group of experts in communications, signal processing and computers from different R&D companies in Moscow. The group won many projects from Nortel in the areas of telephone network tone detection, speech coding, echo cancellation, speaker verification, multimedia design, etc. The group dealt with development of new signal processing techniques for telephone network applications and their real-time design on different DSP platforms; this resulted in a number of patents. Since 1999, Y. Zakharov has been with the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology of the University of York (UK), currently as a Reader. He has been delivering lecture courses in signal processing and communications. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the IET PN on Signal Processing (UK), and a member of TPCs of IEEE ICC’2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, Globecom’2006, 2008, and MIMO-IWCMC-2008. He is also on editorial boards of the journals IET Signal Processing and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. His research activity is in signal processing, communications and acoustics, including adaptive algorithms, underwater acoustic communications, speech processing, acoustic echo cancellation, antenna array beamforming, parameter estimation and nonparametric estimation, multiuser and MIMO systems, transmission in fading channels, as well as computationally efficient signal processing, DSP and FPGA design.

The publication list and access to some papers can be found in